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About Us

Financial Expertise With Heart

Experienced professional fiduciaries dedicated to people, planet, and positive impacts.

Our History

A pioneering innovator in responsible investment, Newground is enjoying its third decade of dynamic service to clients and the common good.

There is a gulf between what economics measures and what we as human beings truly value. Newground humanizes wealth by taking the conversation beyond just numbers – elevating it to reflect your values and mission. 

In the decades before many trillions of dollars were invested in ESG* strategies, Newground was an industry leader with an exclusive focus on environmental and social impact investing. 

We were extremely early proponents of advisors serving as legal, fee-only investment fiduciaries – rather than as commission-driven brokers. Newground was among the nation's very first investment advisors to practice active shareholder engagement, and we continue to be leaders in the active ownership arena – seeking to transform corporate behavior for the benefit of people, planet, and the common good. 

In 2012 Newground became the first Social Purpose Corporation (SPC), formally recasting its corporate charter to codify commitments to environmental sustainability, the community, workers, and society at large. 

As the first SPC, Newground serves as a living demonstration that social and environmental responsibility are not only compatible with a business’ financial success, they are necessary for more resilient, accountable, and profitable companies overall. 

In February 2024 Newground celebrated its 30th year as now the oldest independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) to have had an exclusive focus on responsible impact investing since inception. 

But in many ways Newground's story is only just beginning...

Now, with both scale and three decades of experience, we look excitedly toward the path ahead – achieving clients’ financial goals while exercising greater positive influence in the marketplace.

* ESG = Environmental, Social & Governance factors; as-of the 2022 biennial US|SIF Trends report, more than $8.4 trillion was invested using ESG strategies in the United States alone.

History  »  Values  »  Community

30 Years of Newground

Reflections from Newground’s 25th anniversary celebration.

 25th Anniversary Celebration


