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The Advisor View interviews Bruce Herbert of Newground Social Investment Thumbnail

The Advisor View interviews Bruce Herbert of Newground Social Investment

Josh Hile, CEO of CitizenMint, has launched The Advisor View, a new podcast that "delves into the origins, business journeys, and unique insights of exceptional wealth management firms".  Episode 1 of The Advisor View features an interview with Newground founder and chief executive Bruce Herbert, who shares his journey from studying Buddhism in Asia – to training on Wall Street – to launching Newground Social Investment, which integrates values-aligned investments into client portfolios.

Watch / Listen to the episode

Here are three ways to access this inaugural episode of The Advisor View podcast:

  1. Listen on the CitizenMint website – includes a full written transcript of the interview
  2. Listen on Apple Podcasts
  3. Watch on YouTube 

What Makes Newground Unique

One highlight of the interview is the section at 17:33 where Bruce explains what Newground does for clients: 

For older clients it’s retirement and estate planning, drawdown efficiency – meaning what’s the optimal sequence of disbursement from accounts – how to maximize the tax benefits of philanthropy, and then integrating each of these things into considerations of [how to] lower the lifetime taxes paid.

"For younger clients, it’s a different set of things. They’re navigating and making sense of a myriad of life stage transitions, all of which are new and sometimes quite daunting – marriage, children, homes, businesses, jobs – including some very complex compensation plan packages. Sometimes, college planning, elder care for their own parents, and then also, eventually, their own retirement. You have to start early to make sure that works out as well.

"When you lay it all out and think about it in one fell swoop like this, it can almost seem daunting and tiring. But what it means is that there’s never a dull moment and, importantly, never a point in a person’s financial life when trusted counsel, expert financial management, and excellent financial planning cannot improve a person’s well-being and their outcome.”

Please enjoy this inaugural episode of The Advisor View, and share it with others who might benefit from learning about values-aligned investment and financial planning. 

Note: This material is intended for educational purposes only. As with all our public writing, blog posts do not constitute tax or financial planning advice; likewise, they are neither an offer to sell nor solicitation to buy any investment or security.