Nike: Disclose Dark Money!
Nike, Inc. 2020 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Remarks related to political spending shareholder proposal
Good morning. My name is Bruce Herbert, and I stand on behalf of Newground Social Investment in Seattle to move Proposal #5, which asks for appropriate disclosure of the company’s spending of shareholder dollars for political purposes.
Especially today, in 2020, with the state of politics in this country, conspiracy theories and fake news – the need for transparency and accountability of political spending is paramount.
Now, there are a few companies in the S&P 500 that have no policies whatsoever, but of all America’s companies that have even rudimentary policies on political spending, Nike’s is – frankly – the worst we have seen.
It’s language is so contorted that the company could engage in active, undisclosed, Dark Money spending in 49 states while only disclosing about one state.
Nike’s rank among peers is quite startlingly low – only some 55 out of 100 on the prestigious CPA-Zicklin Index, which is compiled by the Wharton School’s Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research.
NW peers Boeing, Microsoft, Starbucks, Plum Creek, the former Washington Mutual, and Nordstrom – each of whom acted in response to this very proposal – each ranks some 30-40 points higher than Nike on the CPA Zicklin Index.
Nike should not be seen in its current position, bringing up the rear.
Therefore, to place Nike in line with its peers and for the good of society, please join me in casting your vote FOR Proposal #5. Thank you.